Contributor Page

181:  Appcelerator Event Listeners

In this show, IBM Champ, John Jardin returns with a great demo on Appcelerator Event Listeners.

123:  Titanium Appcelerator – Getting Started

In this show John Jardin returns to start a series on Titanium Appcelerator. TA is a product for using Html and JavaScript to make native mobile applications for devices like iPhone and Androids. John is currently running a series of posts on his blog about this and I wanted him to make some supplemental videos on it for NotesIn9. This show really isn’t about XPages and that’s not a bad thing as I think being able to reuse the html and javascript skills that you and I are learrning via XPages with a whole new product like Appcelerator is a great thing. But if you’re a hard core XPager there’s no need to fear. John does have plans to eventually use XPages as a backend database for an Appcelerator application. So stay tuned!

179:  XPages Bootstrap Date Picker Part 2

Today John Jardin completes a Hat Trick of contributions to not only NotesIn9 but the XPages community. Huge thanks to John for his efforts here!!! Today John completes is 2 part series on using a Bootstrap Date Picker inside XPages.

117:  Using the Navigator Control

In this show John Jardin returns to give us a great demonstration in using the XPages Navigator control to do partial refreshes of an XPages Content. By using multiple custom controls you can simulate 2 or more web pages within a single .xsp page. This is a really good demo for this who want to work with the Navigator control.

178:  XPages Bootstrap Date Picker Part 1

In this show John Jardin returns with another great XPages meets Bootstrap show. Today he’ll show us how to get a better date picker for your XPages applications.

47:  Intro to XPages and Relational Data

In this show the amazing John Jardin comes back on to show us how to install the Extension Library and use it to get started accessing relational database content.

118:  Using Java to Sign a Database in XPages

In this show John Jardin comes back on with an interesting demo on how to Sign a nsf AS THE SERVER from an XPage. John will create a very small custom Java Class that he uses as a Managed Bean. A really good demo.

35:  XPages View Picker 3.0

In this show John Jardin comes back on to give a demo on how to use version 3.0 of the XPages ViewPicker Custom Control.  This is a control was featured on a previous NotesIn9 but Mark Hughes has made enough enhancements to it that John thought it needed an updated video.  Not to be missed is the use of the Loading Mask as well as the Multi-Value Deselector.

75:  Intro to XPages and Relational Data Part 2

In this show John Jardin comes back on to expand on his part 1 episode. He'll demonstrate more XPages and Relational Data integration and show you how to make things a little more flexible.

125:  Appcelerator: Working with Windows

40:  Automated XPages Testing

In this show, John Jardin comes on to demonstrate Selenium, from, which is a FireFox plugin that lets you automate testing of websites.  This looks really cool!  You can record tests and re-run them later.  So if you make changes you can catch regression bugs and such.

177:  Bootstrap Pager Styles for XPages

In this show IBM Champion and great friend of NotesIn9, Mr. John Jardin returns with the first of several shows talking about Bootstrap and XPages. In today’s demo he’ll show you how to turn the rather bland page into the much nice Bootstrap look and feel. And the best part? You don’t even need to use Bootstrap to do it. Check out the video to learn the secret!

31:  Styling NamePicker with oneUI

In this show guest contributor John Jardin comes on to talk about using oneUI to style the Name Picker from the XPages Extension Library.

103:  Installing Domino Designer 8.5.3

In this show John Jardin returns with a good demonstration on how to not only install the free Domino Designer, but how to actually find it on IBM's website. He even show's you how to get started creating a database.

126:  Appcelerator Tab Groups

In this show John Jardin, IBM Champion and mobile expert, comes back to continue his series on getting started with Appcelerator for Mobile Development. Today he'll talk about work with Tabs and Tab groups. This show continues the foundations of Appcelerator. It is planned to use XPages as a backend database once we get to that point.

37:  Speeding Up XPages

In this show, John Jardin, returns to demonstrate the mythical setting: GoFaster=1. That’s just what CSS/Js aggregation in XPages provides with the new Domino 8.5.3 server.

33:  Intro to Remote Services

In this show John Jardin comes back on to talk about getting started with using Remote Services in XPages.